Tuesday 19 April 2011

Back in the land of the living

Sorry, sorry, sorry for not being around and updating you with the lovely recipes i've made recently.

Unfortunately last Thursday, my 3 week old nephew was rushed to a London hospital due to a heart defect. It was very touch and go for a while but, being the little fighter he is, he is well on the road to recovery.

During all of this, i've been babysitting my 2 year old niece (so that my sister and her husband could be with nephew), been to a friends wedding and baked for my mums 60th birthday (although we reduced the party to just a small group of immediate friends because of my nephews situation).

All in all it has been utter chaos. I will however, put some lovely new recipes on the blog soon. I would also like to thank you guys for all of the lovely follow tweets on twitter x .

Thanks again for your patients, hope you're all ready to get your baking aprons on......

.....lets bake x


  1. I hope your nephew is feeling better. I love your recipes and will get fat one day if I keep eating your fabulous cakes. I am currently deciding what to bake myself for my 40th birthday cake.
    K x

  2. K, Thank you for your lovely comment. Hope you have a wonderful 40th and enjoy your well deserved birthday cake x PS. Would love to see a pic of your cake if you'd like to share it :-) x
